(picture copyrights: Andra Rotaru)


Andra ROTARU started publishing in 2005. Her first volume of poetry, "In a bed under the white sheet", (ro. Într-un pat sub cearşaful alb) is a transposition of Frida Khalo’s painting in poetry. The volume received the most important national awards prizes: "Mihai Eminescu" National Poetry Award – for the first opera; "Iustin Panța" prize; Bucharest Writers’ Association Prize and "Tudor Arghezi" National Prize.

Following this first volume, Andra Rotaru participated at debates on the relationship between poetry and documentary, at the Landlock Film Festival, Iowa City, based on her first volume „In a bed under the white sheet” and on the film signed by Amy Stechler, "Life and Times of Frida Kahlo" (2005).  

In 2010 she published "Southern lands" (ro. Ținuturile sudului)

In 2012 she published "Lemur", awarded the poetry book of the year in Romania (2013).

The volume "Lemur" was born as a result of the collaborations between Romania and USA, and was adapted in various forms of performance and dance in New York, Portland, Seattle, Vienna and Bucharest. In the CEC Arts Link residence in New York and Portland (2011), she began working with the choreographer Robert Tyree and with the director Dicky Dahl. The volume of poetry "Lemur" and few choreographic projects dedicated to this volume represent the concrete outcomes of this work.

She participated at the Festival Encuentro de escritoras in San Sebastian (2008), at the Europe Days in Mexico (2009) and at the International Francophonie Days at Passaporta in Brussels (2010)

She participated at numerous multidisciplinary projects:

Manifest(are) con(tra) DADA, Iowa City (USA): video, sound and visual installation, performance,reading and roundtable;

International poetic and performative event Nights in White Satin – a whimsical form of poetry (2011-2016);

As Outreach Fellow (2014) at The University of Iowa, she participated at the interdisciplinary projects Photo-Letter Pairing (photography, literature), involving the community of Iowa, and she made the documentary All Together, presented in Chicago and Iowa. The film documents the experiences and the way of working of 39 writers from different cultures, residents of the International Writing Program, Iowa City.

She realized the experimental documentary Tescani. Without limits, reinterpreting the work of George Enescu through dance, music, and poetry (2016);

She coordinated with the writer Steve Rushton the interdisciplinary project with writers from Romania and UK, poetryartexchange, presented at Undercurrents Gallery London (2016) and Birmingham (2017).
She is currently curator of the project #dansliteratură (#danceliterature) with Cosmin Manolescu, choreographer, curator and artistic director, from March to October 2017 in Bucharest and Timisoara.

In 2017 she launched the bilingual online experimental literature magazine Crevice.






(picture copyrights: Andra Rotaru)


Andra ROTARU a débuté en 2005 avec le volume de poèmes Dans un lit sous le drap blanc (ro. Într-un pat sub cearşaful alb), qui est une transposition de la peinture de Frida Khalo en poésie. Le volume a reçu les plus importants prix nationaux : les prix Mihai Eminescu et Iustin Panţa - pour début littéraire, le prix de l'Union des écrivains de Bucarest et le prix national Tudor Arghezi.

Suite à ce volume de début, Andra Rotaru a participé au Landlock Film Festival de Iowa (États-Unis), à des débats sur la relation entre la poésie et le film documentaire, ayant pour point de départ ledit volume, Dans un lit sous le drap blanc, ainsi que le film Life and Times of Frida Kahlo (Amy Stechler, 2005).

En 2010, elle a publié Terres du sud (ro. Ţinuturile sudului) ensuite, en 2012, Lemur, décerné le livre de poésie de l'année en Roumanie (2013). Le volume Lemur est né suite à ses collaborations entre la Roumanie et les États-Unis, et fit l’objet d’adaptations dans diverses formes de spectacle et de danse à New York, Portland, Seattle, Vienne et Bucarest. En tant que bénéficiaire des résidences CEC Arts Link residence à New York et Portland (2011), elle a commencé à travailler avec le chorégraphe Robert Tyree et le réalisateur Dicky Dahl. Lemur et certains projets chorégraphiques consacrés à ce volume représentent les résultats de leur travail.

Elle a participé au Festival Encuentro de escritoras à San Sebastian (2008), aux Journées de l'Europe au Mexique (2009) et aux Journées internationales de la Francophonie à Passaporta à Bruxelles (2010).

Durant son parcours international, Andra Rotaru a fait partie de nombreux projets multidisciplinaires :

Manifestation contre DADA, ro. Manifest(are) con(tra) DADA : vidéo, sonore et installation visuelle, performance, lecture et table ronde (Iowa);

L'événement international poétique Les Nuits en satin blanc - une forme de poésie capricieuse (2011-2016) ;

En tant que Outreach Fellow à l’Université de Iowa (2014), elle a participé aux projets interdisciplinaires Photo-Letter Pairing (photographie, littérature), impliquant la communauté de Iowa, et elle a réalisé le documentaire All Together, présenté à Chicago et Iowa. Le film porte sur les expériences et techniques de travail de 39 écrivains de différentes cultures, résidents du Programme international d'écriture de Iowa.

Elle a réalisé le documentaire expérimental Tescani. Sans limites, réinterprétant le travail de George Enescu à travers de la danse, musique et poésie (2016) ; 

Avec l'écrivain Steve Rushton, Andra Rotaru a coordonné le projet interdisciplinaire poetryartexchange qui réunit des écrivains de Roumanie et du Royaume-Uni, présenté à la gallérie Undercurrents Gallery London (2016) et à Birmingham (2017).

Elle est actuellement commissaire du projet #dansliteratură (#dancelittérature), réalisé avec Cosmin Manolescu, chorégraphe, conservateur et directeur artistique, et qui se passe à Bucarest et Timisoara, du mois de mars jusqu’au mois d’octobre 2017.

En 2017 elle a lancé la revue de littérature expérimentale bilingue Crevice.






(picture copyrights: Andra Rotaru)


Andra ROTARU debuteerde in 2005. Haar eerste dichtbundel, Într-un pat sub cearșaful alb (In een bed onder het witte laken), is een overzetting van het gelijknamige schilderij van Frida Khalo in poëzie. De bundel ontving de belangrijkste nationale prijzen: de Nationale Poëzieprijs "Mihai Eminescu" – voor debuut; de "Iustin Panța"-prijs; de Prijs van de Schrijversbond Boekarest en de Nationale Prijs "Tudor Arghezi".

Na deze eerste bundel nam Andra Rotaru deel aan discussies over de relatie tussen poëzie en documentaire op het Landlock Film Festival, Iowa City, gebaseerd op haar debuutbundel Într-un pat sub cearșaful alb en op de film Life and Times of Frida Kahlo, waar Amy Stechler voor tekende (2005). 

In 2010 publiceerde ze Ținuturile sudului (Zuidelijke streken).

In 2012 publiceerde ze Lemur, waarvoor haar in 2013 de prijs voor de beste dichtbundel van het jaar in Roemenië werd toegekend.

De bundel Lemur was het resultaat van samenwerking tussen Roemenië en de VS en werd geadapteerd in uiteenlopende vormen van performance en dans in New York, Portland, Seattle, Vienna en Bucharest. In de CEC Arts Link residence in New York en Portland (2011) begon ze samen te werken met choreograaf Robert Tyree en met regisseur Dicky Dahl. De dichtbundel Lemur en een aantal aan deze bundel gewijde choreografische projecten vormen de concrete resultaten van deze samenwerking.

Ze nam deel aan het Festival Encuentro de escritoras in San Sebastian (2008), aan Europe Days in Mexico (2009) en aan de Internationale Dagen van de Francofonie op Passaporta in Brussel (2010)

Ze nam deel aan talloze multidisciplinaire projecten:

Manifest(are) con(tra) DADA, Iowa City (USA): video, geluid en visuele installatie, performance, poëzielezing en ronde tafel;

Internationaal poëzie- en performance-evenement Nights in White Satin – een wispelturige vorm van poëzie (2011-2016);

Als Outreach Fellow (2014) aan de Universiteit van Iowa nam ze deel aan de interdisciplinaire projecten Photo-Letter Pairing (fotografie, literatuur), waar ze de gemeenschap van Iowa bij betrok, en maakte ze de documentaire All Together, die werd vertoond in Chicago en Iowa. De film documenteert de ervaringen en de manier van werken van 39 schrijvers afkomstig uit verschillende culturen, die residenten waren van het International Writing Program, Iowa City.

Ze bracht de experimentele documentaire Tescani. Without limits tot stand, een herinterpretatie van het werk van componist George Enescu door middel van dans, muziek en poëzie (2016);

Ze coördineerde, samen met de schrijver Steve Rushton, het interdisciplinaire project poetryartexchange, met schrijvers uit Roemenië en het Verenigd Koninkrijk, dat werd gepresenteerd  in de Undercurrents Gallery in Londen (2016) en Birmingham (2017).

Momenteel is zij curator van het project #dansliteratură (#dansliteratuur) met Cosmin Manolescu, choreograaf, curator en artistiek directeur, van maart tot oktober  2017 in Boekarest en Timișoara.

In 2017 lanceerde zij het experimentele tweetalige literaire online-tijdschrift Crevice.






(picture copyrights: Andra Rotaru)


Andra Rotaru a debutat editorial în 2005, cu volumul Într-un pat, sub cearșaful alb (Editura Vinea), o transpunere a picturii Fridei Khalo în poezie. Volumul a primit cele mai importante premii naționale: Premiul Național de Poezie „Mihai Eminescu” - opera prima; Premiul „Iustin Panța”; Premiul Asociației Scriitorilor din București și Premiul Național „Tudor Arghezi”.

După succesul volumului de debut, Andra Rotaru a participat la Festivalul de Film Landlock de la Iowa (Statele Unite), la dezbateri despre relația dintre poezie și documentar, bazate pe volumul Într-un pat sub cearșaful alb și pe filmul Life and Times of Frida Kahlo (Amy Stechler, 2005).

În 2010 a publicat volumul Ținuturile sudului, iar în 2012 Lemur, desemnat cartea de poezie a anului în România, în 2013. Volumul Lemur a luat naștere în urma colaborărilor Andrei Rotaru, între România și Statele Unite, și a fost adaptat în diferite forme de performance și dans la New York, Portland, Seattle, Viena și Bucuresti. Colaborarea cu regizorul Dicky Dahl și coregraful Robert Tyree a început în cadrul rezidenței CEC Arts Link (2011). Lemur și seria de proiecte coregrafice dedicate volumului reprezintă finalitățile acestei colaborări.


A participat la Festivalul Encuentro de scritoras la San Sebastian (2008), la Zilele Europei în Mexic (2009) și la Zilele internaționale ale Francofoniei la Passaporta, Bruxelles (2010).

De-a lungul timpului, Andra Rotaru s-a implicat în numeroase proiecte multidisciplinare: Manifest(are) con(tra) DADA, Iowa City (America): instalație video, sound și vizuală; performance; lectură și masă rotundă; a coordonat evenimentul poetic și performativ internațional Nights in White Satin – o formă capricioasă de poezie (2011-2016);

În calitate de Outreach Fellow la Universitatea Iowa (2014), a participat la proiectele interdisciplinare Photo-Letter Pairing (fotografie, literatură), implicând comunitatea din Iowa, și a realizat documentarul All Together, prezentat la Chicago și Iowa. Filmul vorbește despre experiențele și tehnicile de lucru a 39 de scriitori de diferite culturi, participanții Programului internațional de scriere creativă de la Iowa.

A realizat filmul documentar experimental Tescani.Fără limite, o reinterpretare a operei lui George Enescu prin dans, muzică, si poezie (2016) ;

Împreuna cu scriitorul Steve Rushton, Andra Rotaru a coordonat proiectul interdisciplinar poetryyartexchange, care reunește scriitori din Romania și Marea Britanie, prezentat la galeria  Undercurrents Gallery London (2016) și la Brimingham (2017).

Alături de Cosmin Manolescu, în calitate de coregraf și director artistic, Andra Rotaru este curatorul proiectului #dansliteratura, organizat la București și Timișoara în perioada martie-octombrie 2017.

În primăvara anului 2017 a lansat revista bilingvă online de literatură experimentală Crevice.






  • Austrian Cultural Forum
  • Hungarian Cultural Institute Brussels
  • Etxepare Euskal Institutua
  • Orfeu - Livraria Portuguesa
  • Lithuanian Culture Institute
  • Greenlandic Writers Association
  • Ville de Bruxelles
  • Swedish Institute
  • Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Belgium
  • Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity
  • Embassy of Ireland
  • Polish Institute - Cultural Service of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels
  • Romanian Cultural Institute in Brussels
  • Spain Arts and Culture - Cultural and Scientific Service of the Embassy of Spain in Belgium
  • Istituto Italiano di Cultura
  • Camões Instituto de Cooperação e Língua Portugal
  • Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren
  • Danish Cultural Institute
  • Greenland Representation to the European Union
  • Scottish Government EU Office
  • Ambassade du Luxembourg à Bruxelles
  • Embassy of Sweden
  • Leeuwarden Europan Capital of Culture 2018
  • Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU
  • LUCA School of Arts
  • Mission of the Faroes to the EU
  • Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
  • Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union
  • Czech Centre Brussels
  • Embassy of Andorra
  • Instituto Cervantes Brussels
  • Commission européenne
  • MuntPunt
  • Yunus Emre Institute
  • Permanent Representation of the Republic of Estonia to the European Union
  • LOFT 58
  • Embassy of the Republic of Latvia to the Kingdom of Belgium
  • It Skriuwersboun