Monday 26 September 2011, 20h00
Showcase of new voices in contemporary European poetry. Readings by and discussions with Emily Ballou (UK), Clara Janés (ES), Claudiu Komartin (RO), Radek Malý (CZ), Lieke Marsman (NL), Carl Norac (FR), and Morten Søndergaard (DK). Hosted by Peter Vermeersch (Brussels Poetry Collective).
Meet a select group of our Transpoesie poets!
Discussion and reading at the international House of Literature Passa Porta on poetry and the public space. The evening is moderated by Peter Vermeersch of the Brussels Poetry Collective.
Drinks will be offered.
Lieke Marsman, The Netherlands
Carl Norac, Belgique
Emily Ballou, UK
Clara Janes, Spain
Radek Malý, Czech Republic
Claudiu Komartin, Romania
Morten Sondergaard, Denmark
Venue: Passa Porta, Rue Antoine Dansaertstraat, 46, 1000 Brussels
(metro Bourse)
Please RSVP :
Read ahead:Poetry_and_the_Public_space.docx