Creative Work

„Padjaklubi“/ „The Pillowclub“, TV-series, comedy, TV3 Estonia

„Elu keset linna“/ „Life in the Middle of the City“, TV- soap, TV3 Estonia

„Vasaku jala reede“/ „Bad Hair Friday“, movie
„Nurjatud tüdrukud“ / „Bad Girls“, TV-series, drama, TV3 Estonia
„The Legend of the Great Gatsby“, dramatized play
„Päästa Magdalen“/ „Save Magdalen“, play
„Morbidaarium“ / „Morbidarium“, published poetry collection

„Fokstrott“ / „Foxtrot“, nominated play in Estonian Drama Competition
„Mida teie arvate“/ „What Do You Think?“, short sketches for TV-show
„Je t'aime“, dramatized play

„Armastatud“ / „Loved“, play

„Mu sõraline sõber“ / „My Clawed Friend“, award-winning novel in Estonian Novel Competition
„Alexander ja Belle“/ „Alexander and Belle“, a poetry collection „Stalker“, short movie
„Enesetapjad“ / „The Suiciders“, award-winning novel in Estonain Youth Novel Competition

„Mina, Mortimer“ / „I, Mortimer“, award-winning novel in Estonian Youth Novel Competition




  • BSc in Gene Technology (major) and Public Relations (minor), University of Tartu, Estonia (2003)
  • BSc studies in Physiotherapy, University of Tartu, Estonia (2003-2005)
  • EMTA Aerobic’s Instructor’s studies and licence (2002-2003)
  • MA studies in Communication Management in Baltic Film and Media School, Estonia (2007-2009)
  • Digital Photography course, FAK (2008)
  • Digital Moviemaking course, Baltic Film and Media School (2009)
  • Courses for Playwriting, Performance Analysis and Dramatization in Drakadeemia, Estonia (2009-2012)
  • Baltic and Nordic Screenwriters' Pitch & Script Workshop, Baltic Film Festival (PÖFF), (2010)
  • London Screenwriters‘ Festival (2012)
  • Lew Hunter’s Colony for Screenwriting, Superior, Nebraska (2013)
  • Baltic and Nordic Screenwriters‘ Pitch & Script Workshop, Baltic Film Festival (PÖFF), (2013)

Work Experience

2013- ... Marketing Director in Pindi Kinnisvara AS (Realia Group)
2013-... TV show „Jüri Üdi klubi“ host in Estonian National Broadcasting Centre, ETV2
2013 - ... Director/ owner in B.Rohelend OÜ
2012 - 2013 Strategic Copywriter in advertising agency TBWA\ Estonia
2011 - 2012 Creative Director/ owner in publishing company Roheline Kuu
2012 - 2013 Columnist in weekly newspaper Eesti Päevaleht LP
2007 – 2011 Media Planner in media agency MediaBroker/ Starcom, Creative Union
2006 – 2010 Columnist in monthly family magazine Meie Pere
2005 – 2007 Information and Marketing Coordinator (and indoor cycling instructor) in Tervisespordi Keskus
2000 – 2005 Indoor Cycling Instructor in Avancia ISK


Estonian Writers‘ Union, Purpurmust Org (young writers of Estonia), Drakadeemia (young playwrights of Estonia), Cabaret Interruptus (a collective of poets and jazz musicians)



  • Swedish Institute
  • LOFT 58
  • Orfeu - Livraria Portuguesa
  • Instituto Cervantes Brussels
  • Istituto Italiano di Cultura
  • Austrian Cultural Forum
  • Mission of the Faroes to the EU
  • Ville de Bruxelles
  • MuntPunt
  • Embassy of Ireland
  • Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union
  • Spain Arts and Culture - Cultural and Scientific Service of the Embassy of Spain in Belgium
  • Ambassade du Luxembourg à Bruxelles
  • Danish Cultural Institute
  • Leeuwarden Europan Capital of Culture 2018
  • Greenlandic Writers Association
  • Permanent Representation of the Republic of Estonia to the European Union
  • Lithuanian Culture Institute
  • Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity
  • It Skriuwersboun
  • Etxepare Euskal Institutua
  • Commission européenne
  • Polish Institute - Cultural Service of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels
  • Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
  • Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren
  • Greenland Representation to the European Union
  • LUCA School of Arts
  • Camões Instituto de Cooperação e Língua Portugal
  • Czech Centre Brussels
  • Yunus Emre Institute
  • Romanian Cultural Institute in Brussels
  • Embassy of Sweden
  • Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU
  • Hungarian Cultural Institute Brussels
  • Scottish Government EU Office
  • Embassy of Andorra
  • Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Belgium
  • Embassy of the Republic of Latvia to the Kingdom of Belgium