Maria Grazia Calandrone is a poet, author, journalist and playwright, as well as writing and hosting programmes for Italy’s national public broadcaster Rai (most recently: “Poesia in technicolor”). She also writes for the newspaper “Corriere della Sera” and has directed video reportage for the newspaper’s video channel “Corriere TV” on the reception of migrants “I volontari” and Sarajevo “Viaggio in una guerra non finita”. She holds poetry workshops in state schools, prisons and mental health facilities. She has received the Montale, Pasolini, Trivio, Dessì and Naples prizes for her poetry. Her most recent books are Serie fossile (Crocetti, 2015 – short-listed for the Viareggio award), Gli Scomparsi – storie da “Chi l’ha visto?” (pordenonelegge, 2016), Il bene morale (Crocetti, 2017), Per voce sola, a collection of theatrical monologues, drawings and photographs, with an accompanying CD with the voice of Sonia Bergamasco, the translations Fossils (SurVision, Ireland 2018) and the Arabic anthology La luce del giorno (al-Mutawassit, Damascus 2019), and Un altro mondo, lo stesso mondo, a rewriting of Pascoli’s Fanciullino (Aragno 2018). She also edited an anthology of the poems of Nella Nobili (Solferino 2018) and presented previously unpublished poetry in the “Cantiere Poesia” section of the magazine “Poesia” (Crocetti). She also puts on the video concerts Senza bagaglio and Corpo reale. Her works have appeared in numerous foreign anthologies and journals.
(c) Pasqualini Schiarita