Anastasia Gavrilovici (n. 1995) este poetă și traducătoare. A absolvit Facultatea de Litere a Universității din București și cursurile de masterat ale Centrului de Excelență în Studiul Imaginii. A colaborat cu diferite publicații din țară și a tradus cărți din engleză, franceză și spaniolă (Kurt Vonnegut, Ernesto Cardenal, literatură pentru copii). A debutat cu volumul Industria liniștirii adulților (Casa de Editură Max Blecher, 2019, 2021), pentru care a primit mai multe premii, printre care și Premiul Național de Poezie „Mihai Eminescu” pentru debut. Poemele ei au fost traduse în peste 10 limbi, printre care și engleză, italiană, suedeză, turcă și maghiară, iar în 2023 va apărea traducerea în limba sârbă a cărții ei de debut, la editura Akademska knjiga din Novi Sad. Locuiește în București, unde este redactor al revistei „Poesis internațional”, traduce și urmează studii doctorale în cadrul Facultății de Litere, Universitatea din București.

Photo (c) - Victoria Viprada

Anastasia Gavrilovici (b. 1995) is a poet and translator. She graduated from the Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest and holds a master’s degree from the Center of Excellence in Image Studies. She contributed to a number of cultural publications and translated literature from English, French and Spanish (Kurt Vonnegut, Ernesto Cardenal, and more than 10 books for children). In 2019’s fall she published her first poetry collection, The Industry of Comforting Adults (Max Blecher Publishing House). The book has received critical acclaim and has won the most important literary prizes, including the 'Mihai Eminescu' National Poetry Award. Her poems have been translated in more than 10 languages, including English, Italian, Swedish, Turkish and Hungarian and in 2023 her book will be translated into Serbian and published by Akademska knjiga in Novi Sad. She lives in Bucharest, where she is a member of the Poesis international editorial board and continues her studies with a PhD in Romanian literature.

Photo (c) - Victoria Viprada

Anastasia Gavrilovici (née en 1995) est poète et traductrice. Elle a fait ses études de lettres à l’Université de Bucarest et a suivi les cours de Master du Centre d’Excellence en Étude de l’Image. Elle est collaboratrice de diverses publications et traduit des livres de l’anglais, du français et de l’espagnol (Kurt Vonnegut, Ernesto Cardenal, littérature pour les enfants). Elle a publié son premier recueil de poèmes en 2019, L’industrie de l’apaisement des adultes (Casa de Editura Max Blecher, réédité en 2021), pour lequel elle a reçu plusieurs prix, dont le Prix National de Poésie « Mihai Eminescu ». Ses poèmes ont été traduits dans plus de 10 langues, dont l'anglais, l'italien, le suédois, le turc et le hongrois, et la traduction serbe de son premier livre sera publiée par Akademska knjiga à Novi Sad en 2023. Elle vit à Bucarest, où elle est rédactrice du magazine «Poesis international », traduit et poursuit des études doctorales à la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Bucarest.

Photo (c) - Victoria Viprada

Anastasia Gavrilovici (geboren in 1995) is dichter en vertaler. Ze studeerde af aan de Faculteit der letteren van de Universiteit van Boekarest en behaalde een masterdiploma van het Centre of Excellence in Beeldstudies. Ze heeft bijgedragen aan een aantal culturele publicaties en vertaalde literatuur uit het Engels, Frans en Spaans (Kurt Vonnegut, Ernesto Cardenal, kinderliteratuur)). Zij debuteerde met het volume “Industria linistirii adultilor” “De verzoeningsindustrie voor volwassenen” (uitgeverij  Max Blecher, 2019, 2021). Het boek kreeg lovende kritieken en won grote literaire prijzen, waaronder de "Mihai Eminescu". Haar gedichten zijn vertaald in meer dan 10 talen, waaronder Engels, Italiaans, Zweeds, Turks en Hongaars, en in 2023 verschijnt de Servische vertaling van haar debuutboek bij de uitgeverij Akademska knjiga te Novi Sad. Zij woont in Boekarest, waar zij redacteur is van het tijdschrift «Poesis international», vertaalt en doctoreert aan de Faculteit der Letteren, Universiteit van Boekarest.

Photo (c) - Victoria Viprada

  • Embassy of the Republic of Estonia in Belgium
  • Ville de Bruxelles
  • Hungarian Cultural Institute Brussels
  • MuntPunt
  • Yunus Emre Institute
  • Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to the European Union
  • Lithuanian Culture Institute
  • Romanian Cultural Institute in Brussels
  • Etxepare Euskal Institutua
  • Embassy of Andorra
  • Embassy of Sweden
  • LOFT 58
  • Czech Centre Brussels
  • Commission européenne
  • Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU
  • Austrian Cultural Forum
  • It Skriuwersboun
  • Spain Arts and Culture - Cultural and Scientific Service of the Embassy of Spain in Belgium
  • Mission of the Faroes to the EU
  • Ambassade du Luxembourg à Bruxelles
  • Greenland Representation to the European Union
  • Polish Institute - Cultural Service of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Brussels
  • Vlaams-Nederlands Huis deBuren
  • Orfeu - Livraria Portuguesa
  • Network to Promote Linguistic Diversity
  • LUCA School of Arts
  • Instituto Cervantes Brussels
  • Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
  • Camões Instituto de Cooperação e Língua Portugal
  • Permanent Representation of the Republic of Estonia to the European Union
  • Embassy of Ireland
  • Danish Cultural Institute
  • Embassy of the Republic of Latvia to the Kingdom of Belgium
  • Scottish Government EU Office
  • Greenlandic Writers Association
  • Leeuwarden Europan Capital of Culture 2018
  • Swedish Institute
  • Istituto Italiano di Cultura